The beginning of a new year is usually a time of reflection for most people. Some people reflect on the year that has passed. They reflect about the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, even the failures. Some people resolve to do things differently in the new year. I have been looking back over my life lately. I was thinking about all the times that God stepped down out of glory and intervened in the affairs of my life. I thought about the times that the enemy tried to kill me but couldn't. I remembered times when God gave me things that I didn't even deserve. I remembered the times He provided. The times when I thought I would come unglued and He held me together. Every once in a while we need to look back at the years that are behind us. Those things remind us that God is worthy of the glory, honor, and praise. They add to our testimony. Things that were big at the times and seemed like insurmountable obstacles, we made it through. Hallelujah!
Give God praise right now wherever you are for bringing you over those mountains. If you're at work you may have to take a praise break. Go to the bathroom for just a minute and give God praise if you have to.
For Every Mountain - Kurt Carr