Spiritual growth comes in stages. There is a process to spiritual maturity.
There is no time limit for each stage. You can only proceed to the next stage when God sees fit. You may spend years in the first stage and only weeks in the last. Chances are, you are in one of these stages.
Pruning- We are a human and develop traits based on life experiences. Maurice White (of Earth, Wind, and Fire) sang, " A child is born with a heart of gold but the way of the world turns his heart cold." In order for God to effectively use you, He must cut away everything not like Him. During this time - things, behaviors, even people are cut away. Honestly, this stage is painful. You will pray, fast, even cry. This is in my opinion the most crucial. If you don't complete this stage, you will not make it any further. Many of us spend a lot of time in this stage. We have a tendency to want to hold on to the things God is trying to cut away. A great deal of struggle occurs here.
Pressing - How do you get the greatest fragrance from a flower? You crush it.When you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice. Likewise, when a Christian is squeeze, you get an undeniable anointing. This is the stage where anything that can happen, will. God's anointing is always going to cost you something. This is the stage of refinement. God is tweaking you, as it were. Everything did not come out during pruning. There were still somethings you held on to. You may feel aloe during this time. Even as if God has abandoned you. But He hasn't. He sits as a refiner holding onto you in the midst of the "fire" or trials. This stage is painful as well. There is a level on warfare that you have never experiences before. You are being purified during this stage. You will learn how to fully rely on God.
Hiding - Oh, what a blessing to be hidden in God. Everyone does not see it that way but it is. Here, the enemy is going to try to convince you that you are a forgotten child. People may not be aware of all the God has done in you at this point, but be patient. God hides those He loves. When wine is being made, it goes through a similar process. The grapes are cut, stomped, then aged until ready. This is when God is most protective of you. He is building you up, encouraging you, and brooding over you. For some this is the hardest stage. When you have be pruned and pressed, you feel that you are ready to walk in your calling. But, God knows when you are ready. He will not release you until it's your time.
Be encouraged today! You are on the road to maturity. You may not enjoy all of it but it is a journey with immeasurable benefits.
God Bless
John 15:1-5 (New Life Version)
The Vine And The Branches
1 "I am the true Vine. My Father is the One Who cares for the Vine. 2 He takes away any branch in Me that does not give fruit. Any branch that gives fruit, He cuts it back so it will give more fruit. 3 You are made clean by the words I have spoken to you. 4 Get your life from Me and I will live in you. No branch can give fruit by itself. It has to get life from the vine. You are able to give fruit only when you have life from Me. 5 I am the Vine and you are the branches. Get your life from Me. Then I will live in you and you will give much fruit. You can do nothing without Me.