1 Peter 2:9
Amplified Bible
9But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
You were not created to be ordinary. God is not a God of mediocrity. There is greatness in you. Don't ever apologize for who God created you to be or do. Many times God tells us to do something. Then we decide to do it. Then we tell others about it looking for affirmation. Some will be excited about what God is doing through you. Others will try to convince you that it can't be done. People that don't take chances don't make advances. In other words, step out on faith. The word of God says that you are special people.The King James Version says peculiar.
What does it mean to be peculiar?
Peculiar: 1. Unusual or eccentric; odd.2. Distinct from all others.3. Belonging distinctively or primarily to one person, group, or kind; special or unique: rights peculiar to the rich; a species peculiar to this area. 4. A privilege or property that is exclusively one's own.
People will always talk about you. Let them talk. You have been set apart to do great works for Him. Celebrate the uniqueness that is you. You were not created to be ordinary.
God Bless
Haven't done this in a while. Have been experiencing computer problems. Please continue to pray for this ministry. The devil can't block it.