Answered Prayer

Isaiah 55:11
The Message

So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed.
They'll do the work I sent them to do,
they'll complete the assignment I gave them.

You have prayed, fasted, stood on the word of God, even cried. God is about to do things for you that you would not even dream in your wildest dreams! Sit back and marvel as you see the manifestation of the things God told you. Look around! Everywhere you turn, He is blessing you. You are in a season of manifestation. God has plans for you. God is not a man. He cannot lie, He cannot fail.

He is answering those prayers that you forgot about. He is going to show out for you. He is going to respond to your very thoughts because your ways please Him. He knows that you are not perfect but you are humble. You have been seeking His face and not His hand. You will have what you say, even what you think because it lines up with the will of God concerning you. God has dotted every I and crossed every T. What should you do? Praise Him. Praise Him like you have lost your mind.

God Bless