John 7:38
King James Version
38He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
If it seems as if all hell is breaking out in your life, let me put you on notice. It's not you. The devil is not after you, but he is after what is in your belly. He wants that anointing, that ministry, that business, that seed that river of living water. God has downloaded you with greatness. The devil wants to stop the flow of your river. Don't you dare let him. You have entered a new level of warfare. It's time to get past fighting the deal. Mature Christians, even baby Christians can fight the devil. It is time to annihilate the devil and every plot and plan he has for you.
Don't feel like God has forgotten you or is punishing you for something you did or didn't do. He has put His living water in you. The devil is trying to stop the flow. But God won't let him. God is allowing you to be strengthened and molded. Don't start ego tripping, thinking that you are so great. God put His greatness in you. The devil is after what you are carrying.
God Bless