Dr. Phillip G. Goudeaux
And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will favor you with blessings and multiply your descendants for the sake of My servant Abraham. Genesis 26:24
Fear is a weapon that Satan uses to destroy people's lives, their destinies and God's plan for their lives. When fear comes in, there is no faith and where faith is, there is no fear. God wants us to be men and women of faith because the Bible says that the just shall live by faith. God does not want you to be bound by fear because it draws every negative thing to you. When you operate in faith, you move God on your behalf and Satan wants to rob your ability to be a witness for God.
Fear comes to steal, kill and destroy, to render you helpless and to stop you in your tracks. It is time for the body of Christ to stop being bed partners with fear. It is not a part of our nature. We need to make up our minds that nothing is going to stop us from being and receiving all that God has for us. Make up your mind to deal with the spirit of fear today. You cannot serve God in fear.
That he would grant unto us, that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear. Luke 1:74
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
When you start walking by faith and not by sight, you are moving ahead. You have a greater advantage to accomplish more in your life because you have God on your side. Since God is for you, who can be against you? The Lord has spoken peace into your life for this year. Walk in the peace of God. Know that God has your back in every situation.
This is my confession in agreement with you:
Father, I receive your anointing, the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God upon my life so that I can be the person you have called me to be. I want to walk worthy unto You and glorify You all the days of my life. I am the redeemed of the Lord. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I resist the spirit of fear. I humble myself under the hand of Almighty God. I resist every foul and demonic spirit that will attack my faith. I am not given to fear. I am given to faith. I walk by faith and not by sight. I receive the promises of Almighty God in my life, in Jesus' name. I am going to the other side. I am crossing into the Promised Land, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Take ownership of your life by meditating and speaking the Word of God over your life, over your family, over your finances, over your health, over your job. Let prayer and confession become your lifestyle. I want to encourage you to stand in your God given authority, stand strong, be of good courage, dismiss any negative thought and know that you are victorious!
2 Timothy 2:21- Amplified Bible 21So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

By Kimberly Thurston
Before I was even born a weapon was formed but it shall not prosper
Coming through the birth canal of slavery, racism, alcohol, drugs, abuse
and misuse, the weapon was formed but it shall not prosper
From a baby to a teen, then a teen having a baby, the weapon was formed but it
shall not prosper
From going to school to dropping out of school and being schooled on how to pick
up drugs during school hours,
The weapon was formed but it shall not prosper
Let’s not forget the bloody noses he gave me and the torn up clothes he made me
and the name change from Kim to a 5 letter word beginning with B and ending with
The weapon was formed but it shall not prosper
From a baby to teenage mother…then a graduate of the New Jersey/New York
drug smuggle,
What have I become?
Because I have given my life to Christ I have become a new creation, old things are
Passed away and all things have become new. I am a daughter of the King. Saved from everything past, present and future sin, I have become a tax paying citizen, with two jobs I might add and 9 credits from a college degree. Who has also
taken back her virtuosity by staying committed to Christ and everyday more and
more becoming that Proverbs 31 wife.
Go ahead, form the weapon because I need more to write.
As I said before, I’ll say it again, no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
Isaiah 54:17 (New International Version)
17 no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and this is their vindication from me,"
declares the LORD.
The Bell
I am God's child (John 1:12)
I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord(1 Cor. 6:17 )
I am bought with a price(1 Cor. 6:19-20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth ( Matt.5:13-14)
I am a member of the body of Christ(1 Cor 12:27)
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant ( Phil.3:20)
I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God(2 Cor.5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God( Rom.8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor.1:21-22)
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8: 28)
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16 ). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God's co-worker (1 Cor.. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship(Eph. 2:10 )
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil 1: 5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven(Col.1:14).I have been adopted as God's child(Eph 1:5)
I belong to God
Do you know
who you are!?
'The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make His face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn His face toward you
and give you peace..'
Numbers 6:24-2
'This is how we know what love is: He gave His life for us.' John 3:16
I am God's child (John 1:12)
I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord(1 Cor. 6:17 )
I am bought with a price(1 Cor. 6:19-20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth ( Matt.5:13-14)
I am a member of the body of Christ(1 Cor 12:27)
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant ( Phil.3:20)
I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God(2 Cor.5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God( Rom.8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor.1:21-22)
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8: 28)
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16 ). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God's co-worker (1 Cor.. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship(Eph. 2:10 )
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil 1: 5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven(Col.1:14).I have been adopted as God's child(Eph 1:5)
I belong to God
Do you know
who you are!?
'The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make His face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn His face toward you
and give you peace..'
Numbers 6:24-2
'This is how we know what love is: He gave His life for us.' John 3:16
Is There a Catfish in Your Tank?
"Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you." (1 John 3:13)
I heard a story about some fish suppliers who were having problems shipping codfish from the East Coast. By the time the fish reached the West coast, they were spoiled. They froze them, but by the time the fish arrived, they were mushy. They decided to send them alive. But the fish arrived dead so they tried sending the fish alive again, but with one difference. They included a catfish in each tank. You see, the catfish is the natural enemy of the codfish. By the time the codfish arrived, they were alive and well, because they had spent their trip fleeing the catfish.
This is my point. Maybe God has put a catfish in your tank to keep you alive and well spiritually. It's called persecution. Maybe there's a person at work who always has eight hard questions for you every Monday morning regarding spiritual things. Maybe it is that neighbor who is giving you a hard time for your faith in Jesus. Maybe it is a spouse or family member who doesn't believe. You are wondering why this is happening. It is like that catfish. That person is keeping you on your toes.
Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus told the disciples, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you" (John 15:19).
God will allow persecution in the life of the believer. If you're experiencing persecution, here are two things to remember:
1. Persecution confirms that you are a child of God.
2. Persecution causes you to cling closer to Jesus.
When you are suffering persecution for your faith, remember that this world is not your home.
Greg Laurie
I heard a story about some fish suppliers who were having problems shipping codfish from the East Coast. By the time the fish reached the West coast, they were spoiled. They froze them, but by the time the fish arrived, they were mushy. They decided to send them alive. But the fish arrived dead so they tried sending the fish alive again, but with one difference. They included a catfish in each tank. You see, the catfish is the natural enemy of the codfish. By the time the codfish arrived, they were alive and well, because they had spent their trip fleeing the catfish.
This is my point. Maybe God has put a catfish in your tank to keep you alive and well spiritually. It's called persecution. Maybe there's a person at work who always has eight hard questions for you every Monday morning regarding spiritual things. Maybe it is that neighbor who is giving you a hard time for your faith in Jesus. Maybe it is a spouse or family member who doesn't believe. You are wondering why this is happening. It is like that catfish. That person is keeping you on your toes.
Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus told the disciples, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you" (John 15:19).
God will allow persecution in the life of the believer. If you're experiencing persecution, here are two things to remember:
1. Persecution confirms that you are a child of God.
2. Persecution causes you to cling closer to Jesus.
When you are suffering persecution for your faith, remember that this world is not your home.
Greg Laurie
Accept or Reject

Hebrews 3:19 (English Standard Version)
So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.
Will you accept or reject your blessing? You have labored before the Lord. You have poured out your heart before Him. He has honored your request. Now, what will you do? Will you miss the very thing that God has for you due to unbelief? You asked for it, now it's yours. Don't be afraid to accept it. The blessing may not come packaged the way you thought it should; but it is your blessing none the less.
As humans, we sometimes pray for things and exercise violent faith, only do reject the blessing when it comes. Don't listen to Satan. Satan wants you to believe that you are not worthy of the blessing. Satan is a liar! You are worthy of the blessing because God says you are worthy.
God says it's yours. Don't let unbelief get in your way. Accept your blessing. Your Father is delighted to give it to you. Receive it joyfully. Accept it or reject it, you choose.
God Bless
"God Has SHIFTED into Higher Gear. Are You READY for the RIDE?"
A Vision of a Man in a Race Car…He's Ready to Go
Since the start of this year, a vision keeps coming back to me. I keep seeing a vision of a man sitting inside a race car, wearing a helmet and racing outfit, as He waits at the starting line of a race track. I can clearly hear the sound of His car engine running, shifting into higher gear as the Driver is ready to start the race. I believe this vision has spiritual significance for the time we are in. As I have continued to watch and listen to what God impressed upon me, below is the message I received. I pray it will bring encouragement to you as it has to me.
The Driver is the Holy Spirit, and as He set to go at the starting line, this represents the coming move of God. Our Heavenly Father has shifted to a higher gear, and He is inviting His people to join Him in this ride. This move will be both exhilarating and intimidating. To those who totally trust God and His leading--this ride will be the greatest joyride of your lifetime. God is telling us, "It's time to move forward."
The question is: Are you ready for the ride? Do you have total confidence in the skill of the Driver?
What Makes Us Qualified to Ride with God?
God is looking for people whose hearts and motives are pure and who do not hide their weaknesses from God. These are people who, when convicted of their shortcomings, are quick to let God deal with their hearts in complete surrender to Him. Just like when God chose David, He said to Samuel, "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).
Therefore our present success will not be His basis for choosing us; it will be the condition of our hearts which will matter to Him. David failed greatly when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and plotted the death of Uriah (2 Samuel 11). Yet despite David's shortcomings, God continued to use him greatly, and he was fondly remembered as "a man after God's own heart."
Great News for God's Children
Presently there is a big group of God's children who, in the past, experienced the mighty moving of God in your life and ministry. But due to various circumstances, some of you had to give up works or ministry, and may now find yourself seemingly bereft of any success. Despite the difficulties you had to face, the sacrifices you had to endure, the seemingly barrenness of your life right now, quietly, you continue to worship and honor God as best you know how. Yet you cannot deny there is a greater longing in your heart to do more for God's people, to do more for His Kingdom, and to implement all the ideas and plans God has planted inside of you to do. The dreams and visions God placed in the innermost parts of your heart for so long seem to be unattainable.
But there is great news: God had you in His mind! If you can identify with this group, the great news is that God had you specifically in mind and will call you to be on the forefront when His Holy Spirit makes the move. As you have been faithful to God, holding nothing back in the process, laying down everything at His feet, it's now His time to respond. He has not forgotten His promises and His calling for you and your family, and you will see Him opening doors and opportunities which you thought were closed or lost.
Luke 1 Connections
We are coming into a time of connection just like Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Joseph and Mary were intertwined with each other (read Luke 1). These were two different couples at various age levels, facing different challenges, yet both families' lives were intertwined with each other and linked by God for each other's comfort, confirmation, and for a common cause. So will it be in the coming days.
God will use the wisdom, skill and experience of those from the older generations, and He will link them with the new ideas and innovative ways of the younger generations. The experience and expertise of each will "complement," not compete, and they will blend perfectly to fulfill God's Kingdom for the nations.
What Peter had spoken to the crowd about during Pentecost will once more be manifested in our midst. This is both to the older and younger generations: "This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy'" (Acts 2:16-18).
Prophetic Insight As the Driver Moves
As in the days of Jesus' disciples:
• The people of God will ride this wave and will once more impact the community where they have been planted by God.
• Holistic endeavors connected with education, skills training, community development, poverty alleviation, indigenous inventions, environmental protection and many other projects that the community will need, will once again be spearheaded and pioneered by God's children who will have an important role in these projects.
• God is releasing a marketplace anointing where your skills, talents, hobbies and spiritual gifting will be used extensively by God to impact the people that you are and will be working with in the coming days.
• Ministry, business and job opportunity, which you had given up on before and thought had been lost, will once more be brought back into your path by God Himself. He will network you with people whom He has chosen to work beside you for these projects.
• Just like in Jesus' time, God's work will start off "small," and may not seem significant in the beginning. But as you continue to press in and faithfully do what has been assigned to you, the impact and effect of these works will catch the attention of the secular world.
• You will experience our God going before you and preparing the way. You will hear Him clearly guiding you as He says, "This is the way, walk in it."
Our Prayer
Our Father, we thank You for quickening our hearts once more with this message. We await this day with great expectation. Come Holy Spirit, even today, prepare us for the work that You have chosen for each one of us to do. Just like David cried out to You with these words: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24), so we cry out to You in the same manner today.
As a watchman waits for the dawn, so we also wait and long for You. Move as You have in the days of old. Summon Your power, and show us Your strength as You have done before.
Be exalted once more in the midst of the nations. Raise up the standard of Your people. Pour out Your favor upon us so that people around us will know that Your Presence is with us, and they will be able to distinguish Your children from the people of the world.
Thank You for revealing Your plans and Your heart to us for the coming days. We wait for them with great expectation and with thanksgiving in our hearts. Unto You and You alone, be all glory and power and might for all that You have done, are doing and will do in our lives. In Jesus Christ's name, we say, "Amen!"
Ching Ten L. Co
Cebu City, Philippines
Email: Chingten_co@yahoo.com
Ching's Bio:
Ching Co is from Cebu City, Philippines. She is married to Harry Co, and they have 4 children and 2 grandchildren. She is an accountant by profession and presently helps her husband in their business. They are active members of Word for the World Christian Fellowship in Cebu, which is a local church in the Philippines founded by an American missionary from the Church of God.
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep ElijahList website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250
Since the start of this year, a vision keeps coming back to me. I keep seeing a vision of a man sitting inside a race car, wearing a helmet and racing outfit, as He waits at the starting line of a race track. I can clearly hear the sound of His car engine running, shifting into higher gear as the Driver is ready to start the race. I believe this vision has spiritual significance for the time we are in. As I have continued to watch and listen to what God impressed upon me, below is the message I received. I pray it will bring encouragement to you as it has to me.
The Driver is the Holy Spirit, and as He set to go at the starting line, this represents the coming move of God. Our Heavenly Father has shifted to a higher gear, and He is inviting His people to join Him in this ride. This move will be both exhilarating and intimidating. To those who totally trust God and His leading--this ride will be the greatest joyride of your lifetime. God is telling us, "It's time to move forward."
The question is: Are you ready for the ride? Do you have total confidence in the skill of the Driver?
What Makes Us Qualified to Ride with God?
God is looking for people whose hearts and motives are pure and who do not hide their weaknesses from God. These are people who, when convicted of their shortcomings, are quick to let God deal with their hearts in complete surrender to Him. Just like when God chose David, He said to Samuel, "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).
Therefore our present success will not be His basis for choosing us; it will be the condition of our hearts which will matter to Him. David failed greatly when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and plotted the death of Uriah (2 Samuel 11). Yet despite David's shortcomings, God continued to use him greatly, and he was fondly remembered as "a man after God's own heart."
Great News for God's Children
Presently there is a big group of God's children who, in the past, experienced the mighty moving of God in your life and ministry. But due to various circumstances, some of you had to give up works or ministry, and may now find yourself seemingly bereft of any success. Despite the difficulties you had to face, the sacrifices you had to endure, the seemingly barrenness of your life right now, quietly, you continue to worship and honor God as best you know how. Yet you cannot deny there is a greater longing in your heart to do more for God's people, to do more for His Kingdom, and to implement all the ideas and plans God has planted inside of you to do. The dreams and visions God placed in the innermost parts of your heart for so long seem to be unattainable.
But there is great news: God had you in His mind! If you can identify with this group, the great news is that God had you specifically in mind and will call you to be on the forefront when His Holy Spirit makes the move. As you have been faithful to God, holding nothing back in the process, laying down everything at His feet, it's now His time to respond. He has not forgotten His promises and His calling for you and your family, and you will see Him opening doors and opportunities which you thought were closed or lost.
Luke 1 Connections
We are coming into a time of connection just like Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Joseph and Mary were intertwined with each other (read Luke 1). These were two different couples at various age levels, facing different challenges, yet both families' lives were intertwined with each other and linked by God for each other's comfort, confirmation, and for a common cause. So will it be in the coming days.
God will use the wisdom, skill and experience of those from the older generations, and He will link them with the new ideas and innovative ways of the younger generations. The experience and expertise of each will "complement," not compete, and they will blend perfectly to fulfill God's Kingdom for the nations.
What Peter had spoken to the crowd about during Pentecost will once more be manifested in our midst. This is both to the older and younger generations: "This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy'" (Acts 2:16-18).
Prophetic Insight As the Driver Moves
As in the days of Jesus' disciples:
• The people of God will ride this wave and will once more impact the community where they have been planted by God.
• Holistic endeavors connected with education, skills training, community development, poverty alleviation, indigenous inventions, environmental protection and many other projects that the community will need, will once again be spearheaded and pioneered by God's children who will have an important role in these projects.
• God is releasing a marketplace anointing where your skills, talents, hobbies and spiritual gifting will be used extensively by God to impact the people that you are and will be working with in the coming days.
• Ministry, business and job opportunity, which you had given up on before and thought had been lost, will once more be brought back into your path by God Himself. He will network you with people whom He has chosen to work beside you for these projects.
• Just like in Jesus' time, God's work will start off "small," and may not seem significant in the beginning. But as you continue to press in and faithfully do what has been assigned to you, the impact and effect of these works will catch the attention of the secular world.
• You will experience our God going before you and preparing the way. You will hear Him clearly guiding you as He says, "This is the way, walk in it."
Our Prayer
Our Father, we thank You for quickening our hearts once more with this message. We await this day with great expectation. Come Holy Spirit, even today, prepare us for the work that You have chosen for each one of us to do. Just like David cried out to You with these words: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24), so we cry out to You in the same manner today.
As a watchman waits for the dawn, so we also wait and long for You. Move as You have in the days of old. Summon Your power, and show us Your strength as You have done before.
Be exalted once more in the midst of the nations. Raise up the standard of Your people. Pour out Your favor upon us so that people around us will know that Your Presence is with us, and they will be able to distinguish Your children from the people of the world.
Thank You for revealing Your plans and Your heart to us for the coming days. We wait for them with great expectation and with thanksgiving in our hearts. Unto You and You alone, be all glory and power and might for all that You have done, are doing and will do in our lives. In Jesus Christ's name, we say, "Amen!"
Ching Ten L. Co
Cebu City, Philippines
Email: Chingten_co@yahoo.com
Ching's Bio:
Ching Co is from Cebu City, Philippines. She is married to Harry Co, and they have 4 children and 2 grandchildren. She is an accountant by profession and presently helps her husband in their business. They are active members of Word for the World Christian Fellowship in Cebu, which is a local church in the Philippines founded by an American missionary from the Church of God.
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep ElijahList website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250
The Antidote to Quiet Desperation
Brent Barnett
If there is a two word phrase that can best summarize our culture, quiet desperation might be it (though I sense the desperation getting louder). There is a certain internal panic that people have that something is going to go terribly wrong and that there is going to be nothing that they can do to fix it. They distract themselves with celebrity news, sports, entertainment, politics, and so on, neglecting the spiritual void within themselves. Times of trial tend to move people to seek God, but such has been often temporary, sadly too often due to the church not being what it should be. Yet the quiet, internal desperation, worry, angst, and uncertainty prevail. I know as you do that even Christians can sometimes get to a point of quiet desperation. We are good at keeping secrets lest others think we are weak or "lacking faith" as if it is sin to feel anger, worry, fear, or panic. These things are normal human experiences. What defines whether they are sin or not is based upon how we handle them and what we do with the thoughts and emotions that flood us. Brothers and sisters, we are human, and we hurt and struggle. Some of us hide it better than others, and some of us have an easier journey than others. But for those who keep within themselves a quiet desperation, there is hope.
Let us start by rehearsing what we know from Scripture. First, we must remember that God will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Second, let us remember that God will never tempt us beyond what we can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). Third, let us remember that in this life we do have trouble, but Christ has overcome this world (John 16:33). Thus, we have the weight of the glory of eternity (2 Corinthians 4:17) to remember and to set our hope entirely upon (1 Peter 1:13). Yet just knowing these truths is not enough. We must believe them. Faith is believing the promises of God and acting upon them whether we feel like it or not. This is the challenge. The battle is for faith.
Never can we say that we cannot have victory because we can…by faith (Mark 9:23, Philippians 4:13). Never are we justified to say that we cannot have hope or joy (Philippians 4:4) because that is the right of the child of God…who believes. Never are we justified to stay in a state of internal desperation, though the external circumstances could be very desperate (as Paul said "perplexed but not despairing"- 2 Corinthians 4:8). We must believe that the Scripture is truth when it says "the steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace." Why and how does this happen? "Because he trusts in You" (Isaiah 26:3). We must believe that statement, and then we must act upon it by setting our minds upon Christ. So faith is not passive, but it is active. This is why the Scripture says that faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Faith that is true faith leads to change, and faith is what is needed to break us out of a state of quiet desperation.
For those feeling internally desperate for whatever circumstances, we must choose to believe the Word of God and to trust Christ at His Word that He is able and faithful to give us peace. There is no other answer. This is not to say that there are not practical things to do as well. Faith is not "blind faith" which crawls under a rock waiting for God to intervene. Granted, we can do nothing on our own power, but God is honored when we walk by faith by taking proactive steps of obedience. When circumstances close in around us, most certainly we should pray and trust, but let us not forget that the fruit of trust is faith, action, and obedience. We must not use the idea of waiting upon God as an excuse for laziness. There will be times where we must wait for God to move, but even the waiting phase can be a time of great energy in prayer, seeking counsel of others, taking small steps of obedience, and so on.
I know from my own walk with Christ that there are times when I just need to stop and pray because I am so overwhelmed that I can’t even begin to take steps of action. I need to cast my cares upon Him because He cares for me. I ask Him for wisdom, trusting Him to give it as He promised He would. Then when my heart and mind are at peace, not because my circumstances are any less complex but because by grace through faith I believe that God is faithful, I start tackling the tasks before me of that day. Scripture says that each day has enough trouble of its own, so rather than worry about tomorrow and all that could go wrong, I must focus as God gives wisdom and strength upon what needs to be done this day. As each step of faith and action is taken, wisdom, strength, and direction is given for the next step. Many times in life we will be perplexed and overwhelmed, but we must not become desperate such that we demonstrate a lack of faith and retreat from walking by faith. Even as death closes in, we can have great joy, peace, and hope. Christians should not be known for their desperation but for their hope (1 Peter 3:15).
Desperation, though a common condition and a downright spiritual epidemic, is not to be normal, and it is not healthy. Christians are not to be desperate people, for we are those who are to be built upon the solid Rock of Christ. Our lives are not built upon sinking sand; therefore, we are not those who are sinkable, unless we, like Peter, look to the waves rather than the One Who can talk to the waves and tell them what to do. We can spiritually walk on water by faith, and it is the devil who is the only one who needs to be desperate. Scripture says his time is short to wreak havoc (Revelation 12:12), but we have eternity to live with Jesus. Desperation should not characterize our lives, but rather the peace which surpasses all understanding should guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). He alone can keep us in perfect peace, but we must believe Him that He will do that for us. Then when Satan assails our faith, we must rest in our faithful God. God is bigger than the devil, and He is never desperate. He is our shelter (Psalm 61:4) and our shield (Psalm 18:30), and it is in His shadow (Psalm 91:1) in which we rest. God’s children don’t need to be desperate because our Father never is.
If there is a two word phrase that can best summarize our culture, quiet desperation might be it (though I sense the desperation getting louder). There is a certain internal panic that people have that something is going to go terribly wrong and that there is going to be nothing that they can do to fix it. They distract themselves with celebrity news, sports, entertainment, politics, and so on, neglecting the spiritual void within themselves. Times of trial tend to move people to seek God, but such has been often temporary, sadly too often due to the church not being what it should be. Yet the quiet, internal desperation, worry, angst, and uncertainty prevail. I know as you do that even Christians can sometimes get to a point of quiet desperation. We are good at keeping secrets lest others think we are weak or "lacking faith" as if it is sin to feel anger, worry, fear, or panic. These things are normal human experiences. What defines whether they are sin or not is based upon how we handle them and what we do with the thoughts and emotions that flood us. Brothers and sisters, we are human, and we hurt and struggle. Some of us hide it better than others, and some of us have an easier journey than others. But for those who keep within themselves a quiet desperation, there is hope.
Let us start by rehearsing what we know from Scripture. First, we must remember that God will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Second, let us remember that God will never tempt us beyond what we can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). Third, let us remember that in this life we do have trouble, but Christ has overcome this world (John 16:33). Thus, we have the weight of the glory of eternity (2 Corinthians 4:17) to remember and to set our hope entirely upon (1 Peter 1:13). Yet just knowing these truths is not enough. We must believe them. Faith is believing the promises of God and acting upon them whether we feel like it or not. This is the challenge. The battle is for faith.
Never can we say that we cannot have victory because we can…by faith (Mark 9:23, Philippians 4:13). Never are we justified to say that we cannot have hope or joy (Philippians 4:4) because that is the right of the child of God…who believes. Never are we justified to stay in a state of internal desperation, though the external circumstances could be very desperate (as Paul said "perplexed but not despairing"- 2 Corinthians 4:8). We must believe that the Scripture is truth when it says "the steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace." Why and how does this happen? "Because he trusts in You" (Isaiah 26:3). We must believe that statement, and then we must act upon it by setting our minds upon Christ. So faith is not passive, but it is active. This is why the Scripture says that faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Faith that is true faith leads to change, and faith is what is needed to break us out of a state of quiet desperation.
For those feeling internally desperate for whatever circumstances, we must choose to believe the Word of God and to trust Christ at His Word that He is able and faithful to give us peace. There is no other answer. This is not to say that there are not practical things to do as well. Faith is not "blind faith" which crawls under a rock waiting for God to intervene. Granted, we can do nothing on our own power, but God is honored when we walk by faith by taking proactive steps of obedience. When circumstances close in around us, most certainly we should pray and trust, but let us not forget that the fruit of trust is faith, action, and obedience. We must not use the idea of waiting upon God as an excuse for laziness. There will be times where we must wait for God to move, but even the waiting phase can be a time of great energy in prayer, seeking counsel of others, taking small steps of obedience, and so on.
I know from my own walk with Christ that there are times when I just need to stop and pray because I am so overwhelmed that I can’t even begin to take steps of action. I need to cast my cares upon Him because He cares for me. I ask Him for wisdom, trusting Him to give it as He promised He would. Then when my heart and mind are at peace, not because my circumstances are any less complex but because by grace through faith I believe that God is faithful, I start tackling the tasks before me of that day. Scripture says that each day has enough trouble of its own, so rather than worry about tomorrow and all that could go wrong, I must focus as God gives wisdom and strength upon what needs to be done this day. As each step of faith and action is taken, wisdom, strength, and direction is given for the next step. Many times in life we will be perplexed and overwhelmed, but we must not become desperate such that we demonstrate a lack of faith and retreat from walking by faith. Even as death closes in, we can have great joy, peace, and hope. Christians should not be known for their desperation but for their hope (1 Peter 3:15).
Desperation, though a common condition and a downright spiritual epidemic, is not to be normal, and it is not healthy. Christians are not to be desperate people, for we are those who are to be built upon the solid Rock of Christ. Our lives are not built upon sinking sand; therefore, we are not those who are sinkable, unless we, like Peter, look to the waves rather than the One Who can talk to the waves and tell them what to do. We can spiritually walk on water by faith, and it is the devil who is the only one who needs to be desperate. Scripture says his time is short to wreak havoc (Revelation 12:12), but we have eternity to live with Jesus. Desperation should not characterize our lives, but rather the peace which surpasses all understanding should guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). He alone can keep us in perfect peace, but we must believe Him that He will do that for us. Then when Satan assails our faith, we must rest in our faithful God. God is bigger than the devil, and He is never desperate. He is our shelter (Psalm 61:4) and our shield (Psalm 18:30), and it is in His shadow (Psalm 91:1) in which we rest. God’s children don’t need to be desperate because our Father never is.
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