Hebrews 3:19 (English Standard Version)
So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.
Will you accept or reject your blessing? You have labored before the Lord. You have poured out your heart before Him. He has honored your request. Now, what will you do? Will you miss the very thing that God has for you due to unbelief? You asked for it, now it's yours. Don't be afraid to accept it. The blessing may not come packaged the way you thought it should; but it is your blessing none the less.
As humans, we sometimes pray for things and exercise violent faith, only do reject the blessing when it comes. Don't listen to Satan. Satan wants you to believe that you are not worthy of the blessing. Satan is a liar! You are worthy of the blessing because God says you are worthy.
God says it's yours. Don't let unbelief get in your way. Accept your blessing. Your Father is delighted to give it to you. Receive it joyfully. Accept it or reject it, you choose.
God Bless