This was sent to me and made me stop and think. I know this as you do, but sometimes we need a little reminder.
God Has It Under Control!
Don't get worked up...
God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up. Matthew 6:34 TM
Fear is just a 'grown-up version' of worry! If you let one in, the other comes with it. Stop and take inventory of the things you worried about last year, or even last week, how many came to pass?
And how many did you change by worrying? And did worrying make them better or worse? And what about the physical and emotional toll it's taking on you? And what does your worrying say to those who kno w you're a follower of Christ?
And when are you going to face up to the fact that you worry so much - and do something about it? "What can I do?" you ask.
You'll only stop worrying about tomorrow, when you learn to place it in the hands of the One who holds all our tomorrows. Listen: "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you" ( Psalm 37:5 NLT).
By committing each day to the Lord, you're trusting Him to go before you and work things out in your favor. It's amazing what you accomplish when you live trusting God a-day-at-a-time.
When you go through difficulties you discover things about God (and yourself) you never knew before; things that make you stronger, wiser and more compassionate.
Here's an idea - instead of worrying, attack your anxieties with the promises of God. Go ahead, bring your fears into His presence and watch them shrivel: "It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life" God is in Control
Pray without ceasing, God hears what you say, From the moment you rise, to the close of the day, Don't think for a moment, that He turns a deaf ear, Trust and have faith, and you'll never know fear.