Matthew 25:40 (New International Version)
40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
What is the condition of your heart? Do you have the heart of God? I was involved in a discussion yesterday where a brother in Christ shared that in lieu of giving out favors at his upcoming wedding, he and his fiancee decided to donate that money to the people in Haiti who are eating dirt. On the day that is about them and their love, they decided to show God's love. Now that is the heart of God!
We here in the US complain about gas and food prices, and we have brothers and sisters in Haiti that pay for and eat dirt. My God! Do we consider that we are blessed to have cars to drive and food to eat? We call ourselves Christians but do we have the heart of God? Do we find it an inconvenience to pick someone up for church because gas is too high?
Are we bothered by the things that really break God's heart like hunger? Are we concerned about the least of these? Do we feed the hungry and clothe the naked? We pray for the blessings and stand of the promises of God, don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that. We seek His face and not His hand. That's great too. But do we pray for the heart of God. On Sunday morning during worship, I asked God for that very thing. God, give me your heart. I want the things that break His heart to break mine, do you?
God Bless