-belief and trust in and loyalty to God
-belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
-firm belief in something for which there is no proof
-complete trust
-something that is believed especially with strong conviction
Hebrews 11:1
Contemporary English Version)
Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.
There have been recorded in history people who had the audacity of faith. Abraham is the father of faith. God blessed him for his faith (Gen.12). The bible is full of examples of people who exercised great faith. The three Hebrew boys, Daniel, Job, the list goes on. The Bible teaches us that if we have faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I remember instances in my own life when my faith caused mountains to move. My mother was challenged in her body in 2007. She was taking at least 10 different medications a day. But, our faith said that she would be healed. She has been. She is not 100% yet, but she's getting better. She only takes 2 medications a day. I believe that God will bring it down to zero.
2008 has been a financially challenging year to say the least. There were times when I had to trust God enough to tithe when I didn't know who God was going to provide, but He did. 2008 has been a year that my faith was developed greatly. There were many times when I had no other choice but to trust God. God promised me something 5 years ago. I still have faith that it will manifest. As a matter of fact, have the audacity to believe that it will come to pass in 2009. I have the audacity to believe that God will do miraculous things in 2009. I believe that businesses will thrive, marriages will be put back together, people will be healed,there will be an end to lack, captives(naturally & spiritually) will be set free, deliverance will come.
What do you have the audacity to believe God for? Do this: Dare to believe even when it doesn't look like it is going to happen.