Job 1:20-21
New Living Translation
20 Job stood up and tore his robe in grief. Then he shaved his head and fell to the ground to worship. 21 He said,“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave.The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. "Praise the name of the Lord!”
I have been reflecting on my life for the past couple of days. My life is pretty much unrecognizable. Nothing is the same as it was a year ago (even a few months ago for that matter). As I look back to this time a year ago, I have been stripped of a lot of things I thought I couldn't do without. I have lost relationships. People who I never pictured being without are gone. Possessions that I had are gone. Even finances are gone. I feel like there is nothing else to lose. Like Job, all I can do is worship God. Job had an anyhow praise. Though God had stripped him, he still blessed the Lord. Job didn't understand why he lost everything but he still trusted God. We have all been tested by God. God knew that He could trust Job. Can He trust you? Will you trust Him?
When you are in a season of being stripped of old things, it's difficult. Many people like Spring because of the new beginnings. Others like Summer because the sun is mostly always shining. Others like Fall because it's a time of transition. Few people like Winter because it's a time of loss. It almost seems like a season of barrenness. But, Winter is necessary. You can't have Spring without Winter. Winter is when God strips and it's a time of rest. Your Winter is not the end of your story. I've learned that it is a time of being set up for a blessing. God never gives you anything new without getting rid of the old. Although, winter is not easy, it is essential.
Job lost his home, children, possessions, friends, had challenges in his body but he worshipped God. He continued to bless His name! Guess what? Job got double for his trouble. Because of his faithfulness, God gave him twice as he lost. The message here is to remain faithful. Continue to worship, praise, pray, tithe, give offering, minister to others. I'm encouraged to know that my life will still be unrecognizable. God is setting me up for double. Remember, "Your setback is a setup for a blessing!"
God Bless