Perfect Timing

Ecclesiastes 3:11
New International Version
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

God's timing is perfect. You are saying that time is of the essence. You may be in crisis. "God, they are talking about coming to get my car or they want to evict me. " You may be saying,"God, I'm getting old. When will I get married and have children?" Maybe this is your situation, "God,I need a raise.I've been on this job a year and a half already. When can I go back to school?" You may be tired of being sick. You are tired of going to doctor after doctor; being prescribed pill after pill. You need an answer. "God, when will I get better?"

You may be dealing with an issue in ministry. You want to know why the ministry God gave you isn't growing like you think it should. You may say God called me to be a pastor but I only have 50 regular members and only 15 or 20 of the tithe. Or God, you called me to be an evangelist but no one I witness to seems to receive me. Maybe God has given you a vision to start a new ministry to pregnant teens but you can't seem to get support. Maybe God told you or your spouse to start your own business. Finances are shaky at best. The business isn't really making a profit. It doesn't seem to be growing and you want to throw in the towel.

Hold on! Timing is everything. God's timing is sure. He makes everything happen when it is supposed to. He makes everything beautiful in its time, not yours.

God Bless