Psalm 46:10
Amplified Bible
10Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!
We live in a microwave society. Everything is done in a hurry. You no longer have to wait until you get home to make a phone call. You don't have to even stop to pay a toll. A wealth of information is at your fingertips in a matter of seconds. You can prepare a meal in minutes. Technology is a wonderful thing. We thank God for the technological advances.
God does not work like that. We don't always get an instant answer to prayer. God sits outside of time. What may seem urgent to us is not always urgent to Him. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He stands at the beginning and the end. He is alpha and omega. His ways are beyond ours. We tend to want God to move in our time and forget that His timing is always perfect.
Be still and recognize and understand that He alone is God. He alone is worthy to be praised. He alone is worthy of all honor. His name is above every name. Get quiet before Him and let Him speak to your heart, mind, and spirit. The timing is up to Him.
God Bless