1 Peter 2:9
New Living Translation
9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
Have you ever felt like people around you don't really know who you are? The Bible says that you are peculiar. Peculiar is defined as 1: characteristic of only one person, group, or thing : distinctive 2: different from the usual or normal: a: special particular b: odd curious c: eccentric
God says that you are peculiar. You are peculiar not just to the world but to other Christians. You don't have the same testimony as anyone else. You are unique. You don't have the same gift, ministry, or anointing as anyone else either. The world does not understand you, because you have Christ...you are light. Darkness does not understand light. You have been called out of darkness. Now you see that you were in sin. Now your see God's glory, His majesty, His power.
God designed you the way He wanted you to be. Other Christians may not fully understand your purpose or God's plan for you. You will be frustrated time and time again if you seek advice from someone who does not that there are things that are unique about you(even another Christian). Ultimately, you must seek God for direction. You can go to a Christian that is mature and whose advice you trust. But, they are human too. They might give you advice that contradicts what you feel in your spirit. Start there but don't end there. Take everything to God in prayer and supplication (asking humbly and earnestly). God will give you the right advice always. Trust Him.
God Bless