Matthew 26:35
Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples.
What would you die for? Would you die for Jesus? If someone had a gun to your head, told you to deny that Jesus is Lord, what would you do?
Three people come to mind, Judas, Peter, and Paul. Judas sold Jesus out for money. He betrayed Jesus even though he witnessed miracles. He saw Jesus heal people, feed the multitude, even raise Lazarus from the dead. In the end, his love for money proved stronger than his love for Jesus. Or did it, Judas could not handle the guilty and committed suicide. Then there was Peter. He loved Jesus but denied Him because he was afraid of what people would think or say, he wrestled with doubt. He loved Jesus but was not prepared to be persecuted for it. Well, At least at first. Peter went on to do great exploits for Jesus. On the day of Pentecost, he lead thousands to Jesus. Ultimately, Peter did die for Jesus. Then there was Paul. He spend his life persecuting Christians until God knocked him off his horse and caused him to be blind so that he would be able to see. His sight was restored after going to see Ananias. Paul served God with a physical ailment. Paul was jailed and beaten many times because his attitude was for God i live and for God I'll die.
Is Jesus the reason you live? Will you die for Him? All three men died. They all died for Jesus. Two died in right standing, doing everything they could for the kingdom. One died because he could not take the guilt of playing a role in sending Jesus to His death (even though it was part of God's plan).
Dying for Jesus doesn't just mean that you will give your physical body. It is also spiritual. You may not be called to give your body for Jesus. But, we are all called to die to the things of the world. We are called to kill the flesh, killing the sinful nature. Sin feels good. Humans like to lie, cheat, do drugs, drink alcohol, fornicate,not give tithes and offering, and everything else that separates us from Jesus. It hurts more to give up what you like, for what God wants.
God Bless