Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
Be encouraged that God has destined you to overcome in this life. In this new year, lean on Him to be your strength, sufficiency and overcoming strength.
John 16:33, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
The Blood of the Lamb
Without the Blood of Christ we are helpless. His Blood is the most powerful ammunition we have against the enemy because His Blood gives us 24/7 access to the Throne of God so that we may find grace in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). Not only that, but we have a Mediator who stands on our behalf, even Jesus, who has gone before us as the Forerunner showing us the way to overcome in this life. This is a life that is in surrendered obedience to the Father, Who alone is able to save and deliver us in every and any situation. His daily faithfulness to us is found in our daily seeking after His desires.
The Blood of Christ has put us in such a position that we are able to access His grace and ability in our lives if we simply yield to Him. We must never underestimate the power of the Blood of Jesus. It never fails! We are daily washed, daily cleansed and daily delivered from the powers of darkness. This is why He told us to pray in the way: "deliver us from the evil one" (Luke 11:4).
The second we think we stand in our own strength is the same second that we will fall. Cursed is the man who trusts in man or himself and makes flesh his strength. The Blood of Jesus enables the Holy Spirit to abide in us. It is through communion with the Holy Spirit that we are able to be what God has called us to be.
The Word of Our Testimony
The word of our testimony is that which is already true about us, what the Lord has done, and what He will do! His word is sure. His promises endure. The Word of the Lord stands forever (Isaiah 40:8). Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His words will never pass away. As we hold fast the confession of His truth in our hearts as spoken with our mouths, we release divine destiny into the recesses of our being.
Divine transaction takes place when we come into agreement with Heaven. We can know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we will prevail because of the power of His Word anointed by His Spirit, being released through our mouths. Just as Jesus put the smack on the devil with the Word of God, so we also lay waste to the enemy's lies with His anointed Word flowing through us (John 8:44).
Losing Our Lives In Him
Loving not our lives--even unto death. That says it all. When we come to the crossroads of our hearts, there is a choice to make. What is more precious to us--the will of God or the desires of the flesh? Do we want what we want, or do we want what He wants? Do we have to have everything figured out? Do we have to have an answer for everything we don't understand? Does the head or the heart rule our decisions? It is at this juncture that we come to the threshold of decisions that make the difference in overcoming or being overcome.
The heart is deceitful; above all things who can know it? God knows our hearts much better than we do. Even when we think we know, we don't know like we need to know. His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are far above our own (Isaiah 55:9). Things may look fine on the surface, but then God breaks out His Holy Ghost vacuum cleaner that has a way of getting to the hidden things deep within us. It is not always the prettiest sight. But He is the BEST surgeon and only needs our cooperation to operate.
When we humble ourselves before Him, He is faithful to do His part and help us along. This is all part of allowing His life to abide in us. As His life abides in us, our life becomes hidden in Him (Colossians 3:3). As we abide in Him, our lives are absorbed in His Presence; His light consumes the darkness and we find His rest. A dead person knows how to rest and does not strive to make things happen. It is only when we reckon ourselves dead because of what Christ has already done on the Cross that we realize His work of the Cross in our own lives (Galatians 2:20).
In the address to the angels of the Book of Revelation, the churches, Jesus brings very strong affirmation, correction and promises as incentives to motivate us to overcome in this life. The new "Overcomers" CD reflects the heart of God in this respect. Click here to order the new release of Overcomers: To Him Who Overcomes--A Prophetic Declaration to the Modern Day Church of Revelation.
Overflowing blessings to you,
John Belt
Live In His Presence Ministries
Email: admin@liveinhispresence.com
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