2 Thessalonians 1:11
Amplified Bible
11With this in view we constantly pray for you, that our God may deem and count you worthy of [your] calling and [His] every gracious purpose of goodness, and with power may complete in [your] every particular work of faith (faith which is that [a]leaning of the whole human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness).
David Langerfeld
When Alexander the Great ruled all the known world, he made it his policy to hear any appeal made to him. One day a young soldier was brought before Alexander for trial. The young man wore the tunic of Alexander's Army. "With what is he charged?" asked Alexander - who held absolute authority in all matters. There would be no appeal of his verdict. "He is charged with cowardice in battle," answered the prosecutor.
A great hush fell over the crowd gathered in the judgment hall. They knew Alexander as a general who expected his men to be valiant since he, himself, did not push his soldiers, but led them into the thick of battle. Alexander looked at the young soldier who was a mere youth, fair haired and still too young to shave. The angry scowl on his face slowly changed into an understanding smile, "What is you name, soldier?"
"Worthy King," responded the youth. "my name is the same as yours - Alexander."
Anger came back into Alexander's face, and he leaped to his feet. Alexander grabbed the soldier's tunic. "Young soldier." he said with great control, "either change your name, or change your behavior."
We are called "Christians". Are you worthy of the name?